Saturday, January 3, 2009

Someone Get the Number of That Train: ouch my eye!

Mom always says "Horseplay leads to tragedy." And oh brother is she right! We weren't even "horsing around" together, my friend Nico and I... we were just running to our moms... the problem was, we were so focused on what we were running towards we didn't see each other coming... and right then outta nowhere, kaboom! Nico hit me like freight train! Ugh! I know she didn't mean to do it...things like this just happen... 

I yelped like a little girl (come on, it hurt like crazy!) and the next thing you know my eye was killing me! Mom totally jumped in there to make sure I was okay...she knows that getting hit in the eye can be dangerous (ask her about the Speedway race she went to). Just like you humans our doggy corneas can get scratched easily - especially since eyes like mine stick out a little further than some of those other breeds - and if it's not taken care of, I can get an infection - and believe you me, that is not a good thing. 

So, off to The Animal Doctor we went... even though mom knew I'd be fine, and we could probably wait it out, it's best to be safe and just go in to have my eye checked... an infection is much worse to have to treat...Thank goodness Dr. Wilson and her staff were still at work - they said to come in so I could get checked out... You can see me sitting on moms lap, waiting for the staff. I always love seeing them...and it appears from their giggly voices that they love seeing me too - plus they said I did a really good job by staying still and being cooperative. Well shoot I had just been there a couple of weeks before for my annual...

As you can see from the cool picture mom took, Dr. Wilson was doing a very thorough job of checking me out. Great news! I only had a contusion, no scratches or major damage. They gave me something to make the pain go away...then home I went. Mom and dad were relieved, and they felt so bad for me that mom actually gave me my dinner out of a bowl!!! Can you believe it??? Besides my veggies she never feeds me from my bowl...only my interactive toys (which is much more entertaining for me anyway). She didn't want me straining my eye and running into walls or anything. She was smart cuz I couldn't open my eye anyway. Luckily I can still use the keyboard... 

I wonder if mom would put a cold steak on my eye for the pain? Hmm, something for this inquisitive canine to ponder... 

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