Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's DAD's DAY too!

Hey Dad, just wanted to wish you a Happy Father's Day! Thanks for taking such good care of me... I love our trips to the field where you let me run around...sniffing and rolling in things - just letting me be a dog... I also love when you take me with you to Costco - the hotdogs are soooo yummy...(I know, don't tell mom)... And then there's the ice-cream too! Yum! Also, thanks for buying me all the fun new toys, and playing ball with know tennis is my favorite - just like your favorite too!!! Hmm, what else...oh yeah, there's the yogurt time in the evenings... I like when you let me lick the cup out... You're really special...thanks for being such a great dad! I love you... Poncho

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