Thursday, January 3, 2008

Good goin' DAD!

I love going out with dad... driving around, stopping and playing at my favorite field - chasing the ball and running around looking for new smells and things to roll in...(dad always lets me roll in nasty stuff...gotta love that)... then went on few errands mom had us do for her... Dad did really well at the "trucks = treats" game... EJ Harrison used to get me really upset! But mom and dad taught me that when those guys (remember GTM? see previous post)..either Harrison trucks, or UPS/FedEx/or the dreaded mail truck appear all I have to do is look at them, keep quiet, and I get a piece of kibble - sometimes I get some of the better stuff, but hey I'm not too picky... But dad did great! he was on the ball today! We pulled up right next to one of those Harrison "green monsters" and I just sat there, looked at them, looked at dad & he just cheered me on and gave me kibble! How great is that!? Can't wait to see them again... Road trips are great, especially when we play games... Thanks dad! 

your boy Ponchorino 

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