Thursday, February 14, 2008

I'm daddy's valentine

Wow, what a great day it's been so far! And it's only the afternoon! It started out with me sleeping in all nice and cozy with mom (she's still not feeling well, poor thing), so again I got to play pet therapist... After I got up dad took me for a great outing at the field to play... Then, and this is where is gets really good, dad was really hungry when we got home so he made himself a really yummy sandwich - which he was kind enough to share with me! Maybe because it's that human holiday "Valentines Day" - where you show how much you love and appreciate your family, friends, and loved ones...Well, I guess he wanted to show me how much he loves me by giving me all of his pastrami! Talk about hitting the jackpot!!! Ok, well maybe he didn't actually intend to give it to me...he had walked back into the house to get something, leaving it there in front of me... all juicy, smelling really great --- I mean, what's a dog to do? Come on! Needless to say mom wasn't too thrilled - she said something to him, gave him a look that usually doesn't predict anything good for anyone, then they both said something like I wasn't getting dinner because I had eaten enough for the whole week (why do I have to be punished because they're not paying attention!?)...They decided it was the perfect Valentines Day present for me... Hoooo boy are they right! I'd much rather have pastrami than a toy or new collar! Thanks dad! I'll watch your sandwich any day! Happy Valentines Day to too. 

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